Why does it feel like we’re all inspired to be our true selves but anything that doesn’t match society’s definition of “normal” is criticized?
An artist is told to let her imagination run wild but when she comes up with an unusual painting, she’s called weird.
A passionate dancer who isn’t the most flexible is inspired to keep trying but if she doesn’t get it right the first time, she’s laughed at.
Because of this, I have been tempted at every stage of my career to mute who I really am.
I wanted so hard to fit in, to be considered normal. But let me tell you, it never felt right. I felt like I was cheating myself.
I am a woman with a strong personality; someone who is straightforward and unfiltered in giving opinions. I am someone who knows what she wants and stops at nothing to achieve those.
I have a disability but it’s never defeated by such crazy ambitions. I’m never one to back down from trying new experiences. I may do daily activities differently and have obvious sets of incapabilities but you will never see me bat an eyelash when saying yes to challenges.
The older I got, the more I understood that it’s okay to live a life that others don’t understand.
I’ve stopped living my life explaining to others how and why I live this way, and I have never been happier.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of unhappy people in this world who try to dim your light and confine you in what’s considered okay by society.
It’s easy to get trapped in their way of thinking because thinking differently makes you an outsider, but I promise you it’s much better to be different and happy than conform to society and be miserable.
Win your freedom and free yourself from the shackles of what’s normal. Notice how people will also trust you more. People have a tendency to admire authenticity especially when you carry it so proudly!
You were born to be you, not anyone else. Only you can take your part in this life. Stop wasting your time trying to be anyone else. I’m not here to tell you to be yourself with a lot of buts, etc.
I’m here to tell you to be who you really are PERIOD.
And I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines.
Rolling with you and rooting for the real you,
Jozelle 🦋