Is there anything that you can’t do online nowadays? Probably not much. People can pay bills, book flights and accommodations, and even do grocery shopping without leaving their homes! With this comes a lot of new opportunities to earn online as a freelancer! Think about this: you often get flexible work hours, no more wasting away in never-ending traffic, and more time for the family. This is why more and more are turning away from their corporate jobs in favor of doing online freelancing; and guess what you can too!
This is especially beneficial for PWDs since building a career can be done in the comforts of home. With hundreds of thousands of online jobs available, and it was said that it will double in the coming years, anyone is sure to find the most suitable arrangement for his needs while making the most use of his skills. However, the truth is whether you are a PWD or not, it is important to determine what you are good at and improve on these to become the top choice of clients from all around the world. Online jobs are as plenty as other freelancers applying for the same position as you, so in order to be a cut above the rest, investing in yourself and learning new skills will always be the best way to go!
I myself have seen how important this is; having been in the online freelancing industry for almost 10 years. As a way to provide those who would like to thrive as an online freelancer especially PWDs, I have decided to launch my passion venture that I call weTECH – Creating Possibilities and Enabling Opportunities Together. This is a one-stop-platform that enables both aspiring and experienced online freelancers and arms them with tools and skills necessary to succeed in an opportunity-filled digital age.
The T in weTECH stands for TRAIN wherein you’ll get Live Online Trainings facilitated by me. Yes, I will personally train you! Thinking out of the box of traditional online courses, our trainings are designed to be very hands on so you get the most of the session and learn not only by theory but also through actual practice. With an option to do it one-on-one with me or with a group. Plus the fact that these are done via online makes it all the more convenient! Think of it as practice for communicating as an online freelancer later on. That’s hitting two birds with one stone!
It would be easy to think that using the word EMPOWER in a sentence about PWDs always means uplifting and cheering them up but I Ehm Able wants to go beyond that. Just as disabilities do not define anyone, I believe that we shouldn’t stop when a PWD is at peace with his or her condition. We dream of a community that empowers each other well enough that PWDs are not just happy but highly functional and successful so they thrive in both career and life! That is the true meaning of empowerment.
As PWD enablers, we advocate to shine a positive light on disability to CREATE positive awareness. There is often more than one road going to a destination; think of PWDs not being able to walk with you up the stairs but we’ll race you there using the ramp! No sweat. We are not as different as everyone thinks. Differently abled, but not different altogether. Everyone is possible. We are able!
But do you know the best things about online freelancing? It is not having to leave at the comforts of your home, or not postponing a vacation because you can work anywhere, and not letting any disability get in the way of your work since your output will do the talking for you. As an end to end approach, weTECH involves HIRE which aims to employ deserving and skilled PWD freelancers to be part of our digital media business and connect them to companies and clients from all parts of the world. Have your work sail across the globe without ever stepping foot outside your home.
Your next job and your future clients are waiting! Build a successful career in one of the most lucrative (if not the most) lucrative industries today! weTECH you to your online freelancing business!
Go here to know more: weTECH
Or contact me directly on Facebook – iEhmAble