1 2 3 ACTION…
My nieces spend their summer break with me last month and I always love the chaos. I mean their company lol.
One night I was so preoccupied with a client’s brand strategy that when I glanced at the clock it was 2:35 am??
Realizing this, I called my nieces’ attention and reminded them of the time. It’s pretty common sense that reminding them of the time meant they should go to bed.
What response did I get?
They simply looked at me, smiled, and went back to playing.
That moment, I just felt like nothing was registering with them.
I realized I just wasn’t getting through to them.
By 3 am I couldn’t believe what was going on so I called them by their names one by one and blurted “It’s 3 am you should have gone to bed hours ago! Go to bed. Now!”.
The effect was obviously apparent. Immediately they stopped playing, came to kiss me, and went to sleep.
Wow. What. Just. Happened? 😳
Then I realized how similar this can be to content creation. For it to be effective, your content should be compelling, high converting, and with a clear call to action!
You should always have strategic CTA buttons. Why?
Because sometimes your audience can be like kids, you just need to teach them EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO!
To elicit a foolproof reaction, you have to ask for exactly what you want to get. You don’t get 100% of what you don’t ask for.
So if you want your target audience to buy your product, guide them on how to do it. If you want them to avail your service, give them a reason to believe and ask them to.
Some things aren’t really meant to be overly complicated. Before you assume, try the crazy common method called asking.
Ask and you shall receive. 😉